Ok, so you gave in to EA and installed Origin, and you caved and preordered BF3 after not letting yourself get excited about the game all Spring and Summer. Well, maybe I’m describing myself a little bit here, but that’s beside the point. So now that’s Origin is installed, it works just like Steam, right? Mostly yes, but I noticed a few things that might be helpful to new users.
First off, I made the assumption that the directory that I installed Origin in will also house all the games that I install through it. Steam works that way, right? In Origin’s case, this is actually false. By default, Origin wants to install its games on to C:\Program Files\Origin Games (at least in my case). For some, this may not be a problem, but if you’re anything like me (and most other PC gamers I know) you install your games on a different drive than your system drive. This is especially important if you run a small SSD as your system/OS drive and have a conventional drive for games and applications. To change this, click on the gear icon near the top right-ish of the main Origin window and click “settings.” Right on the General tab you’ll see an option under “Downloaded Games” you can set to tell Origin where you put your games. Keep in mind, Origin will not move any existing games installed, this will just take effect for new games downloaded — so do this now before you try to install BF3. There’s also an option for keeping Origin game installers, but unless you feel a need to keep them, I don’t see why that would be worthwhile.
One thing that Origin has that is Steam-like is an in-game overlay which at this point is pretty much just in-game chat. Pressing Shift + F1 is the default setting here, not to be confused with Steam’s Shift + Tab. You can configure the hotkeys for that combination also in the settings under the “In Game” tab. Only one obvious tip here; don’t set your Origin hotkey combo the same as Steam or anything else that you may have running while gaming. I’m pretty sure something disastrous will happen.
Aside from those two things, there isn’t much else that Origin can do at this point that is worth tweaking. I’m sure as time passes EA will build out their platform much like Steam has, but until then, it’s main purpose will be to serve as a BF3 delivery platform, soon to be followed by the exclusive place to get Star Wars: Old Republic when that arrives later this year.